To celebrate my blog's first monthsary, I am up for a challenge. I have not yet grasp the camera I had been aiming for yet so I settle for the most possible challenge I could afford. And the only thing that I am capable of or could afford for the meantime is my writing. Who knows by the next month, I'll be holding my camera already and I brace for any challenge it can do for me.
Before I introduce the said challenge, I will first turn back time 30 days ago or just highlight some points. For Sept-Oct, I was able to at least got one real travel entry about the Eco-Tourism, attended a Blogging Workshop and had fun with the Oktoberfest. All in all the month ended with satisfaction that at least there were things that were in line with my blog's title since today, I had some unrelated travel categories for you to be get lost with. Well, those were actually the things to prevent this blog from remaining dormant. Hopefully, everything will fall out into its proper places as the coming months will come.
To end your moments of waiting, I hereby present my First Monthsary Challenge: 30-Day Blog Challenge. Right after publishing this post, I'll start my first day challenge and I can't wait any longer. So here it is.
I will add some twist by making a scrapbook-like picture for every entry.