Nurse Germz

The nick is Germz, add some miss, nurse coz I am a nurse in the Phil. Passion never runs out in me. I travel, I wanna stand out, I heal but just don't let anything come across along the way specially when I am about to chase my biggest dream of traveling the world!

Germz of Generality

And so I started this blog to feature all about my whereabouts here in the Philippines and out coz I can't just stay put at one place. Would you come with me? I would love to! See yah!

CDO Bloggers: Blogging Workshop!

As they say, it's better be late then never, the phrase I'd been holding on for that day when I climbed my way up to the 3rd floor King Arthur Room at Loretos to attend the Blogging Workshop. Humiliated as I entered the room and made it worst when the stage was beside the entrance so I was welcomed by the eyes of the audience. Anyhow, at least I perfectly planned my outfit for the day giving them two options either to stare at me for being late or stare in admiration.(haha I wish) FYI I was late for 3 hours and that was because of the vaccine shots I was giving the whole morning which extended to the early hours of the afternoon.

When I was able to find my way to my seat, I spotted the tables full of empty plates and coke bottles and I was so about to cry if I ever not gonna have my share since there was free food. I was able to think a lot of things in my mind such as I would just gonna take out my free food or remain hungry for the rest of the hours.haiz But at least minutes later, I was approached by one of the CDO bloggers, the same guy that led the way while finding an available seat, and asked my choices of food. Yes! I answered "anything" but deep within I wonder what his reaction would be if I'd change it to "everything".haha Then, I was served with a plate full of varieties of viand with only one rice. And honestly, the food was terribly delicious.

I think this is my certificate of joining the workshop since my name is incorrectly spelled, I have no right to own it if ever there are others claiming for it.haha

certificate blogging workshop

There were a lot of freebies together with the certificate so I guess my laptop deserved those.

blogger's laptop

This is the laptop of a blogger. You can tell by just a look with the stickers.

And I almost forgot to share about my winner experience. I won a raffle and got the Sumilao Corn Coffee as the prize.


About Me

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But all of them rang true, and reminded me of why I travel: to learn and grow, to challenge myself, stretch my limits and foster an appreciation of both the world at large and the chair waiting in front of the woodstove back home.
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