Nurse Germz

The nick is Germz, add some miss, nurse coz I am a nurse in the Phil. Passion never runs out in me. I travel, I wanna stand out, I heal but just don't let anything come across along the way specially when I am about to chase my biggest dream of traveling the world!

Germz of Generality

And so I started this blog to feature all about my whereabouts here in the Philippines and out coz I can't just stay put at one place. Would you come with me? I would love to! See yah!

II. Hiking my Way to the Gardens of Eco-Tourism Village: A Strong Attempt of a Beanpole

Welcome Gardens of Eco-Tourism Village, Malasag
I open my eyes slowly with a big relief. Gardens of Eco-Tourism Village at last. Now who's ready for some hiking? I am! But in second thought, hoping as I struggle to support the base of my rectangular shaped green bag since its handle have shown marks of giving up so to prevent it from falling and not breaking the things inside especially my laptop. I then perfectly settle my straw souvenir hat on my head to still look fashionable despite the unfriendly sun. Forget about the double jackets because both are neatly kept at my boyfriend's backpack and I am good to go.

Malasag Eco-Tourism Village

Malasag Eco-Tourism Village

The entrance fee only cost us 60php for two heads. Cheap, affordable but without your own transportation, you'll surely be having a hard time saying such words for the transportation itself cost a lot more. Good thing is we have our own transportation. The other good thing, habal-habal rides are available right where we made a right turn while going here (so it's a "down there" already). I am not sure of the fare but maybe an estimate of 20-40php is enough. Just be very careful during the ride especially when riding with a stranger. I am not actually talking about bad drivers, what I mean is hugging a stranger. You do need some support coming up here.

We are given a map, a leaflet and our two tickets and before my boyfriend could safely keep it in his pocket, I impatiently signaled him to start taking pictures as I try different poses to project the best.

Malasag Eco-Tourism Village

Malasag Eco-Tourism Village

Malasag Eco-Tourism Village

Malasag Eco-Tourism Village

Malasag Eco-Tourism Village

Malasag Eco-Tourism Village

We have not formally started the proper hiking yet but moving from one place to another for a picture-taking seem to tire my body easily plus my very heavy shoulder bag equivalent to a closet where everything are carefully placed to fit inside, I naturally give up. So I switched bags. Now I look more like Dora with the backpack, the map and the missing Butch. I'll just make sure swiper will not be able to swipe. Swiper no swiping.

Did I say missing Butch? Well, I am going to find that out as we head to the zoo or animal area. The pathways however, are a bit unclear with no sign of which way we should take as we struggle finding the right entrance. Our only hope is the pretty good memory of my boyfriend which turned out to be not-so-pretty because it seems as we enter a new pathway and try another, we always reach a dead end. So, as a solution, we find our way back from the top. Why is it easy going down a while ago when now that we're way back to the top, everything is so difficult as if a big rock is inside my backpack that I could not easily step my foot forward. Whew. I am now catching my breath. I feel hot, sweaty but my skin aren't perspiring honestly.tsk Such a beanpole me.

Malasag Eco-Tourism Village

Malasag Eco-Tourism Village

I can see the cages already. First in line is the Python. Oooh Scary. I pose for a shot trying my best not to disturb it but still useless since the python is not even visible to see from the picture.

Well, time for the birds--the Philippine eagle, sea eagle, a black bird or a crow then a bird with a colorful beak. Sorry for not remembering nor minding to look its names. But their cage is roomy. A giganticbird house or must I say a real life birdhouse with real trees, plants inside where they can freely fly and mingle with each other.

Then the monkeys hoping to see Butch inside. There are 3 cages all in all. The big one is for the female I guess or for the young ones while the other two cages are for the two males separated from each other. The funny part here is by the time we get near them, one of the males is actually masturbating in front of us with all the "ooh aah aah" sound effects and facial expression. So human thing. Unfortunately, the camera man is too slow to capture it so I sound a bit of making up stories here.

Look at the mother and the baby monkey, they exactly know or distinguish what a camera is for they made such beautiful poses and smiles.

After all the sightseeing, now my knees are trembling as I head down the stairs. I feel so old lacking the needed calcium in my body. But as I see from a far the shade and a flat ground with green grass, I waste no time and hurry so I lie flatly on it.

It seems that we have reached the end of the Garden and the achievement of our goal as well has been accomplished. Time to head back.

But wait, I almost forget about the swimming pool as we pass by it. I feel like diving with the kind of situation we are in - sweaty and tired. The fee is only 50php per head for adults while I think a 10 or 20php for the kids. Below will be our last set of pictures since the battery gave up also. A very wrong timing when we are just in the climax passing by the old houses and cottages. The last stop at their mini restaurant. I apologize for my unpreparedness and not bringing water so I have no choice but to buy a 50php worth of a royal in can soda just to quench our thirst. Lesson learned.

Well, That's me and my strong attempt as a beanpole.

If you haven't read part I yet check it here: I. Heading to the Gardens of Eco-Tourism Village: A Strong Attempt of a Beanpole


About Me

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But all of them rang true, and reminded me of why I travel: to learn and grow, to challenge myself, stretch my limits and foster an appreciation of both the world at large and the chair waiting in front of the woodstove back home.
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