Overspending has always been an addiction since the past but when it comes to eating, damn everything just looks delicious and the price? Delicious as well!
Eat More But Spend Less

I just did for sure you can!

How about this, eating more but spending less? Boy, you’d love to do that but just how? Well, luckily I did.
In a typical Sunday evening after hearing the mass, food will always be the next destination. Since the Church was at the heart of the city, I never had problems finding one. The only minor issue was as to which. Because I was on a tight budget, any fast food that was visible within my vision or within the strength of my feet to do the walking, Chowking was the right choice.
Even at my first few steps, I was already visualizing the menu and “lauriat” was the only dish I kept seeing. But at the same time my ego kept reminding me, “Oh no, too expensive”.
Then I was already one person away from the counter, “Think, think, and decide! I want Lauriat and I can have one because I have a goal of gaining weight but what about my goal of saving? Ordering it may forego my weight goal but at the same time forfeit my other goal for savings. ” MMmmmmh?
When I took my turn, you’ll be surprise with my final order. One Fried Chicken rice meal! That’s all. And ohe, one extra rice! The funny thing was, in the extra rice part, I ordered it as “double rice.” How humiliating it was to actually treat Chowking like a “carenderya”? Haha! Below is my liquidation of eating more but spending less.
Eat More But Still Spend More
Chicken Lauriat P159
Chicken Lauriat P159
Halo Halo P69 = P219
Eat More But Spend Less
Fried Chicken Rice Meal P79
Cornetto P22 = P101
= P118
= P118
Wow! I saved more and still getting the same “yum” quality from the expensive ones. Congratulations to me for I was able to control myself in such cases. You see it is just a matter of finding alternatives. If you need to save, then look for food that are of the same “Yum” factor but less price. Like below, choosing cornettio over a halo-halo is almost the same.

I just did for sure you can!